Jessica joined 15 Winckley Square Chambers in September 2014, having successfully completed a family pupillage under the supervision of Samantha Bowcock KC.

She has a busy family law practice and accepts instructions in both public and private law children cases.

In public law cases, Jessica regularly represents local authorities, parents, extended family members and children. Jessica has experience in a wide range of public law cases, including those involving sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, chronic neglect, non-accidental injury, substance/alcohol misuse and domestic abuse.

She has represented vulnerable people, including those requiring the assistance of an intermediary and has significant experience of conducting contested hearings at both interim and final hearings. 

Within private law cases, Jessica represents both parents and children. She has experience of cases involving complex child arrangement disputes, fact-finding hearings, parental alienation, non-accidental injury, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, allegations of physical harm, internal relocation and applications for parental responsibility. 


LLB University of Newcastle

Bar Professional Training Course BPP Leeds (Very Competent)

Areas of Expertise

Family Law

Professional Organisations  and memberships

Family Law Bar association

Northern Circuit

The Inner Temple