15 Winckley Square Chambers offers its Advisory and Advocacy services to professional, direct access and lay clients.

The predominant areas of law we cover are in Criminal and Family Law matters. The barristers at 15 Winckley Square deal with all types of matters under those main areas and regularly appear in the Magistrates’ Court, County Court, Crown Court, Court of Protection, High Court, Administrative Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

The clerks at 15 Winckley Square are experienced in assisting clients by providing indications of fee estimates for the legal services they may require.

Any quote will make reference to a particular barrister’s expertise in the area of law you seek representation or advice on. The quote you receive will be based on an hourly rate for that particular barrister plus any VAT to be charged for their services.

The quotation you receive will be based on the information you provide at the time to the clerk and will take into account:

How long it will take the barrister to consider the papers provided to them in preparation for advice or a hearing.

The anticipated time the matter will take to deal with.

Once the barrister is in receipt of any papers, a firm quotation of a fee can then be provided based on the information the barrister has before them.

The Clerks may also be able to provide you with a fixed fee for work subject to the details provided above and in consultation with the barrister you wish to instruct.

Chambers endeavour to provide their clients with a timescale as to when they are likely to expect a response to their instructions. On occasion, it may be that the barrister dealing with the matter has had a case overrun or unexpectedly put into court, but the clerks will inform you at the earliest possible opportunity of any difficulty and an indication of when any work can be completed.

Further information

15 Winckley Square Chambers and its barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board click here for their website.

A link to the Barristers’ Register with the BSB (Bar Standards Board) is also available for viewing here.

Should you have a cause for complaint about the service you have been provided the details of how you can complain are available through ‘Our Policies’ section click here to link to that page.

Our procedure clearly explains how you can complain and how you can expect your complaint to be dealt with. The procedure also provides contact details to the LeO (Legal Ombudsman) and the time limits for making a complaint to them. Click here for a link to the LeO website. There is also a further link to the decision data on the LeO website by clicking here.

Our contact details are available from our ‘Contact Us’ page and our home page.

Chambers welcomes feedback from all our clients. If you wish to provide us with feedback, please contact us.

Under the Provision of Services Regulations 2009 Chambers publishes a document in compliance with the regulations which can be opened containing details of our Chambers please click here for a copy of that information.

Whilst our experienced clerks can provide you with assistance in selecting counsel you can also make your own enquiries via the Legal Choices website.

This site provides you with independent and factual information about legal issues and lawyers.

Please click here to print a hard copy of this page.