From defending and prosecuting serious Crown Court matters to representing the interests of individuals or local authorities in the Magistrates Courts, 15 Winckley Square’s team of criminal law barristers provide a dedicated, expert service to clients across Lancashire.

Be it complex gang-related murder investigations, large-scale football disorder or offences involving clients with sensitive mental health issues, the 15 Winckley Square criminal team has a strength in depth enabling us to provide the ideal barrister to suit the client. 

15 Winckley Square possesses significant expertise in both prosecuting and defending cases of a sensitive sexual nature.

Ensuring that genuine victims of sexual offences are robustly represented is of critical importance since the transition in attitude towards complainants in recent years.

The 15 Winckley Square criminal team has a comprehensive understanding of the skills required to effectively challenge evidence on behalf of those accused of such offences. Members of the team have demonstrated expertise in challenging the evidence of children, vulnerable adults and those whose allegations reach back many years. 

The criminal team prosecute and defend cases charged under the Fraud Act 2006 and those included in the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. 

The team is regularly instructed in cases of conspiracy to supply where Lancashire or Cumbria clients are accused of being a party to a wider operation originating in the major conurbations of the UK. Equally, the team can provide expert assistance to clients charged with simple possession or supply offences where the impact of a conviction can have more significant consequences. 

Our criminal team are able to deal with cases that attract the statutory minimum sentence and have experience of cases concerning disguised firearms. 

The criminal team is always aware of the impact losing a licence can have upon a client and the myriad of technical defences or mitigating circumstances that are available to drivers that can assist them in keeping it. In such circumstances, an intricate knowledge of procedure and the law is paramount. 

Whether it involves cases of excess alcohol, “totting up”, driving while using a mobile or more serious offences where serious injury or death has been caused, members of the team have a wealth of experience in representing clients on a private or publicly funded basis. 

With 2 Lancs (2nd Battalion, Duke of Lancaster’s Regt.) based at Weeton near Blackpool, and 4 Lancs at Kimberley Barracks in Preston, the 15 Winckley Square criminal team can assist service personnel or civilian service personnel facing Court Martial or proceedings in the Service Civilian Court at one of the standing service court centres. 

Members of Chambers are happy to accept instructions in all motoring offences at both legal aid and privately paying rates.

This includes first instance prosecutions at the Magistrates’ Courts and appeals to the Crown Court in excess alcohol cases, using a mobile telephone whilst driving and speeding cases, particularly when the “totting up” provisions are in issue. In addition, we deal with the more serious offences of dangerous driving and deaths involving the use of a motor vehicle. 

In addition, Chambers is highly regarded in the field of regulatory work. Members accept instructions from local authorities and private clients in many areas on an increasingly frequent basis, including:

  • Health and Safety cases
  • Trade Description work
  • Environmental work
  • Intellectual Property Offences