Karl joined 15 Winckley Square Chambers after practising in Liverpool for a number of years.

He is a skilled trial advocate whose practice encompasses all aspects of family law.

Prior to completing his pupillage, Karl was an Associate practising civil and commercial law at a prestigious firm of advocates based in the Isle Of Man.

Instructing solicitors value Karl’s sympathetic, approachable yet reassuringly straightforward manner in conference, his robust advocacy in Court, an ability to guide clients simply through complex issues and his immediate, detailed feedback from hearings and conference.

Paperwork is invariably returned within 14 days, with short deadlines accommodated on request. Karl is always happy to discuss matters on the telephone or by email.

Family Law

Karl regularly appears in the Family Courts at all levels and has extensive experience representing parents, wider family members and Guardians in all types of public law and private law cases at all levels. His background and experience in the criminal courts has proven to be an asset particularly when instructed in contested matters and when conducting fact-finding hearings in public, private or injunctive proceedings. He has particular expertise in the following areas:

  • Residence & contact disputes, including complex and intractable matters, those involving the Local Authority or which may develop into care proceedings and those with cross-border or extra-jurisdictional element, such as child abduction and leave to remove:
  • Child care, welfare and adoption matters, including non-accidental injury, neglect, addiction, mental health, sexual abuse and domestic violence;
  • Findings of fact, including representation of alleged perpetrators;
  • Non-molestation and occupation orders, specific issue and prohibited steps orders;
  • Committals and enforcement;

Karl also accepts instructions in relation to divorce and financial relief matters, and has a great deal of experience representing and advising in cases with difficult issues such as:

  • Agreements (including historical and pre/post marital);
  • Forensic analysis of complex personal accounting or business assets;
  • High-value cases and also those involving extremely limited means;
  • Transfer or disposal of assets to defeat or frustrate claims;
  • Enforcement of orders;
  • Foreign assets or other extra-jurisdictional issues
  • Cryptocurrency assets;

Professional Memberships: Northern Circuit

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