15 Winckley Square Chambers has a number of members who are accredited to accept instructions directly from members of the public.

Guidance in relation to instructing barristers via Public Access is available from the Bar Standards Board website here.

Instructing Our Members Via Public Access

Initially, a barrister instructed through the Public Access Scheme will charge an hourly rate for their services which will always have VAT (Value Added Tax) applicable (example: an hourly rate of £150.00 plus VAT).

Once the barrister has considered the instructions provided, depending on the complexity of the case, it may be acceptable (subject to agreement), for a barrister to provide a fixed fee quote (plus VAT) for the work to be done.

Fixed fees and hourly rates may vary, but not without prior discussion with the lay client.

There may be issues arising in a case that the barrister may not have been aware of or fundamental changes to instructions that cause a fixed fee or hourly rate to be adjusted. The barrister concerned will explain the reasons for the adjustment in charges as soon as practicable.

The barrister you choose to instruct will send you a ‘client care letter’ which will set out the work the client is requesting assistance with, the likely cost and timescales for the work to be done as well as other information relative to the case, before conducting any chargeable work.

Should you have any further enquiries or you would like an indication of a barristers fees (a price information sheet is available upon request), please contact the Public Access clerk in Chambers. An email enquiry to chambers with a background as to what you require assistance with will assist the barrister in understanding what assistance you require.

Please mark you email enquiry in the subject line with: “Public Access Enquiry” and send to: crime@15wsq.co.uk